Category: Flowers

Orchard Swallowtail

Attracting Butterflies

Regular sightings of butterflies are a sure sign of a healthy ecosystem. Recent rainfall has provided plenty of moisture and growth and so many insects have been able to flourish.
Photina Red Robin - Red Leaves

Photinia “Red Robin”

I’m always mindful of using tough and hardy plants, as the frosty winters we experience here at Gordonbrook on RAMESA Farm can be quite challenging. One of my favourite shrubs for hardiness (besides Viburnum tinus) is “Red Robin” (Photinia x fraseri).

Mulching your Lilly Pilly

Yesterday afternoon Peter and I were mulching the Ramesa Nursery front garden knowing we were providing our plants with some well needed insulation. It seems that we’re not the only

Reach for the Stars

Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), is a beautiful plant from Asia growing successfully in both my home and nursery gardens. With its delicate, white, sweetly scented flowers, this plant is definitely

Contrasting with Wormwood

With Spring literally just around the corner we’re seeing lots of beautiful Federation, Shasta and African daisies in gardens and nurseries right now. The splash of colour is always a

Growing thriving Lavender

The image of a fragrant garden; full of buzzing bees and a beautiful abundance of purple flowers is captured firmly in my mind. The memory of my Grandmother’s garden is

A Few Magical Weeks

It is impossible not to notice the splashes of purple colour dotted throughout our parklands and home gardens at the moment. Jacaranda mimosifolia is certainly a beautiful tree providing wildlife habitat, full to dappled shade and a spectacular colour show. ...