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Kokedama Workshop with Romaine

Wondai Regional Art Gallery 40 Haly St,, Wondai QLD 4606

Join Romaine with a hands-on Workshop creating your own Kokedama String Ball Plant. Making your own living artwork while learning the history of Kokedama.


Basket Weaving Workshop

Wondai Regional Art Gallery 40 Haly St,, Wondai QLD 4606

Join us as we unleash our Creativity with Cat’s Claw Creeper! This two-hour workshop aims to teach the basics of Basket-weaving using cat’s claw creeper collected from the banks of the Stuart River, near Kingaroy. We will use these to create beautiful forms. Whether a “Rustic” look or a more symmetrical “Neat” look is preferred,


Terrarium Workshop

Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery 126 Haly Street, Kingaroy

"Terrarium Workshop" with Romaine Enjoy this relaxing workshop at the Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery. Join us in this two-hour workshop making and creating two Terrariums. We'll be using natural materials creating beautiful mini landscapes and learning about the history of Terrariums. I will take you through step by step in creating your own living artwork